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Younger patient’s self-awareness led to lifesaving colonoscopy

Posted on: January 27th, 2023 by Our Team

When elementary school teacher Asiya Laskonis first became bloated and uncomfortable after eating, she didn’t really think it was a big deal.

After all, she was only 45 years old and on vacation. It made sense that she might not feel well when her routine and diet was different.

But three months later, the mother of two noticed changes in her stool including traces of blood – and that caught her attention. She scheduled an appointment at Rockford Gastroenterology Associates in November of 2021.

Asiya saw Nurse Practitioner Corie Scott, who listened to her symptoms and suggested she schedule a colonoscopy.

Asiya’s first colonoscopy was with RGA gastroenterologist, Dr. George Tannous.

“It was so quick and easy,” she shared. “While I was in recovery, Dr. Tannous mentioned I did have a large polyp that required additional tools to properly remove.”

Asiya was scheduled for a colonoscopy the following month at the hospital to remove the polyp. “The polyp was quite large considering her younger age. The biopsy results revealed high grade dysplasia, a more advanced stage of pre-cancerous cells,” shared Dr. Tannous. “Asiya’s polyp had a higher risk of progressing into cancer compared to a typical polyp. I’m glad she came to RGA when she did.”

Three months later, Asiya had a repeat colonoscopy which confirmed the polyp was completely removed. She will continue surveillance of the polyp site with a colonoscopy in three years.

“Dr. Tannous was amazing,” Asiya said. “He makes you feel like the only person in the room and his follow-up was phenomenal.”

Today, Asiya is healthy but pays closer attention to her body than ever. She is on a high fiber diet and more conscious of her bathroom activities. Because she has no family history of colon cancer, Asiya feels strongly that listening to her body is what saved her life. She urges others to schedule regular screenings as well.

The recommended age for a colon cancer screening has been lowered from age 50 to 45. “We’ve been finding colon cancers and colon polyps in younger patients like Asiya,” shared Dr. Tannous. “Don’t delay this potentially lifesaving test.”

“Everyone talks about how inconvenient the prep is,” Asiya said. “It’s not like it used to be. The actual procedure isn’t that bad – you don’t even remember anything.”

These days, when Asiya spends time with her students and family, she knows her GI health is a gift she gave herself by pursuing quality medical care.

“Rockford Gastroenterology Associates has really good doctors,” she said. “We are lucky to have those specialists in Rockford.”

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